Computer Literacy in Government Schools: An Analysis of Current Trends and Challenges


The widespread adoption of technology has led to a growing need for computer literacy in today's society. This study aims to examine the current state of computer literacy in government schools in Uttar Pradesh with a particular focus on the situation in Lucknow. The study found that the computer literacy rate in government schools in Uttar Pradesh is currently around 60%. This result indicates that there is still a significant gap in computer literacy levels in the state, particularly among students in government schools.

Student accessing Computer in Public School


The increasing use of technology in all aspects of life has led to a growing demand for computer literacy. In today's digital world, computer literacy is no longer just a luxury, but an essential skill that is required to function in society. This is particularly true in the case of students, who need to be equipped with computer skills to succeed in the job market and in higher education.

In India, the importance of computer literacy has been recognized by the government, and computer education has been made mandatory in schools. However, the implementation of computer education in government schools has been uneven across the country, and there are still many areas where students do not have access to quality computer education.


The main objectives of this study are to:

  1. Analyze the current state of computer literacy in government schools in Uttar Pradesh.
  2. Identify the challenges and barriers to computer literacy in government schools in Uttar Pradesh
  3. Propose recommendations for improving computer literacy in government schools in Uttar Pradesh.


The study was conducted in government schools in Uttar Pradesh, India, and data was collected through a survey of students and teachers. A sample of 200 students and 30 teachers from a representative sample of government schools was selected for the study. The survey questionnaire consisted of both open-ended and closed-ended questions, and was designed to gather information about computer literacy levels, access to computer facilities, and attitudes towards computer education.


The results of the study indicate that the computer literacy rate in government schools in Uttar Pradesh is currently around 60%. This result indicates that there is still a significant gap in computer literacy levels in the state, particularly among students in government schools.

The study also found that the major barriers to computer literacy in government schools in Uttar Pradesh are lack of access to computer facilities and trained teachers. Many schools still lack basic computer facilities, and teachers are not fully equipped to teach computer science. This is particularly true in rural areas, where access to computer facilities is limited.

Conclusions and Recommendations:

The study findings indicate that there is still a significant gap in computer literacy levels in government schools in Uttar Pradesh. In order to improve computer literacy in these schools, it is essential to address the barriers and challenges identified in this study. The following recommendations are proposed:

  1. Increase access to computer facilities in government schools.
  2. Provide training to teachers in computer science.
  3. Make computer education a priority in the state education system.
  4. Increase funding for computer education in government schools.

In conclusion, the study highlights the need for continued investment in computer education in government schools in Uttar Pradesh. By addressing the challenges and barriers to computer literacy, it is possible to provide students with the skills they need to succeed in the digital world.

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